Montag, 21. Februar 2011

3 seconds on your lips, 30 years down on your hips

For me, it's been a big step to internalize this phrase. Of course it's totally exagerated but still there's something true about it. I really don't like to snack something which is small but high in calories! If I have a high calorie food I want to enjoy it! Thus I LOVE starbucks frappuccino! If you take the light version it's quite low in calories (of course WITHOUT cream!) and it takes long to drink. I usually snack very healthy, means a lot of fruits or turkey cut or something.

But I confess, I love sweet food! To satisfy my hunger for sweets I like to have a very sweet but healthy breakfast containing cereals/bread, banana, dry dates and figs and a cold sweet milk (chocolat, coffe, caramel, vanilla...). I also add some chocolate every now and then. It's amazingly tasty and satisfying!

But don’t stay too low in calories ! Integrate high calorie food to your diet. Healthy stuff like home made lasagne or pizza. It boosts your metabolism and makes sure that your body is not going to get used to a low calorie diet. I know what you may think : I’m not gonna eat a fatty pizza and destroy what I worked hard for. Believe me, I was thinking exactly the same when my Dad asked me wheter I wanted to order a pizza with him after the loss of 5 kilo. But since I didn’t want do disappoint him, I ordered a pizza as well. And I noticed, that my body can burn it ! It’s soo impprtant to learn, to make the expirience that if you’re following a healthy diet you’re body will be able to burn high calorie food as well ! It’s even good for it.
So, here’s a small briefing :

-snack HEALTHY, don’t eat the „3seconds-on-your-lips… »-stuf
-if you sin, ENJOY it (enjoy eating in general, do it slowly)
-figure out about healthy sweets (figs, dates…) and stuff you like which are not « too bad » (in my case it’s defenitly caramel frappuccino ;) )
-allow yourself to have a high calorie food like twice a week (selfmade is always the best way, theres a difference between fastfood and homemade or restarant pizza)

I’m convinced, that these tips are going to help you hold your weight in the long run!

PS: btw. There’s a little difference between holding your weight and losing weight. While losing weight, you’ll have to be a lot more strict.
Don’t forget to write an e-mail if you’d like to recieve the diet schedule regularly!

Samstag, 5. Februar 2011

My work-out routine!

Hey guys!

As a reaction on my last post I’ve been asked a lot about my work-out routine. I tried to tell you in this post that everyone needs to figure out what works best for them. I am going to tell you what I like to do and what works for me. I can’t promise that it is going to work for you but I actually think it is something that many people could live with ;)

I told you that my obsession was jogging. When I was younger I used to hate it. I think you need to overcome a few obstacles if you start jogging because in the beginning it’s not fun at all! But if you once got used to it, it could be YOUR perfect work-out.

What makes it perfect:
-I jog on the treadmill (with television)
-I jog about five times a week (everyday, except Monday and Friday)
-I jog only for about 22 minutes (ca. 3.5km) at a time

So as you can see I jog short-time. This is probably the recipe for success. It keeps my motivation straight to know that I “have to” jog for only 22 minutes. Furthermore I can watch my series while jogging! ;)

After jogging I like to stretch my legs for about 10 minutes to lean the muscles and to stay flexible. Flexibility is sexy *psst*! ;)

On Monday I dance Raggae (which is also kind of a muscle training) and on Friday I play tennis.

I always walk home after school which means I have a 15-minute-walk everyday. You should take to walk as much as you can during the day and try to avoid using escalators and elevators. Believe me, this can make a huge difference!

(I also have the habit to squeeze my abs while watching television. Not much, just a whole little bit so it’s not tiring at all. But people keep saying I have a nice flat belly so I started to do the same with my butt, but honestly, that’s a lot more tiring!!) This last passage was more for fun, I guess every sport teacher would kill me for saying that, but it’s a matter of fact that muscle squeezing calorie burn so why not ;))


Motivation is the invisible force which allows us to reach pretty much everything. Yes, it’s literally invisible thus it can only be observed in humans’ behaviour (indirectly), however, it can not be made visible in our brain. At the moment, we’re concentrating on motivation psychology and I’m totally fascinated. Anyway, motivation is individual and it’s pretty hard to find a generally valuable formula.

Basically, you differentiate between two kinds of motivation: the extrinsic and the intrinsic motivation. The terms say it all, the extrinsic motivation is the one that comes from the (e.g. the doctor says I needed to start exercising because of my health) and the intrinsic motivation comes from the inside(e.g. I love exercising, let’s do some push-ups). Obviously the intrinsic motivation is much more effective than the extrinsic one. So it’s necessary to find a way of exercising that you like. Okay... I admit this is not that easy. So, maybe I should say, find the best of all the bad exercises ;) Try to see the positive things about  this kind of exercise. For example jogging (which is my obsession): it activates seventy percent of your muscles and is one of the best calorie burning exercise. It’s very important to never lose sight of your goal. I know this sounds very “cliché”-like but it’s very effective! For example take a picture of you and photoshop it until you look the way you want to. Or cut out your head and stick it to a nice body. Write down some goals like “I want my legs not to touch anymore” or something like that. The best would be to make a little booklet. I promise you it’ll keep you motivated! Now the last important point to me is the feeling that you have after your work-out. I love how it feels get your pyjama on after a shower. I like to think of that to motivate myself for working out.

So, let’s recapitulate:

-find the sport you like the most

-always keep your goal in mind and imagine what it’s going to feel like

-think of the amazing feeling after having worked out

And one of my favourites (unfortunately it only works for people who have reached their ideal weight):

-look at yourself in the mirror; tell yourself how pretty you are and that you now are going to work out to stay like this

I’m sure this tips are going to help you to kick you’re a*** and start working out! ;)
XX Bee